Natural Balance

The perfect self-watering flowerpot, which tips over when a refill is needed. Carefully handcrafted ceramics, made in the Netherlands.

After years of design and development, Studio Lorier has come up with the ultimate self-watering flowerpot: The Natural Balance. This pot works with a unique mechanism that slowly feeds the plant and lets you know when the plant needs water, by tipping sideways. For this project, Studio Lorier is currently running a crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter.

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1-half-cicleThe flowerpot has an integrated water reservoir, which keeps the plant’s soil hydrated. The pot and the reservoir are divided by a water-permeable part, made from earthenware. This material lets water gradually through, only when the plant needs it, and prevents it from soaking the soil.

2nd-cicleSimply refill the reservoir and the flowerpot will return to its upright position.

natural-balance-self-watering-flowerpot-lorierThe reservoir has a large volume that can nurture a plant for up to 28 days

change-the-pivoting-pointTo fit plants with different weights and shapes, the pivoting point is adjustable by a magnetic slider. Plants like herbs, cactus’s or succulents with a maximum diameter 15 cm / 6 inch will fit The Natural Balance.

The Natural Balance is made from high quality ceramic and available in variation of matte colors. Cool Grey, Mint Green, and Pastel Pink.

productionThe design of the Natural Balance is finished, and now ready to be produced on a large scale. To get production running, Studio Lorier needs to upscale their operation and invest in a larger kiln, molds and materials. This is the reason for the crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter. Backers of the campaign get early access at the lowest price, and will be the first to receive The Natural Balance.

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Note for Press

For more info you can contact:
Sander Lorier, designer / founder Studio Lorier
[email protected]

Link to Natural Balance Kickstarter campaign: 

Website Studio Lorier:

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Pictures and video’s can be used freely by mentioning Studio Lorier.
Links for pictures and text:

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